Author: Luis Blanquez What is Bid-rigging? The DOJ describes bid rigging as an agreement among competitors as to who will submit the most competitive bid and who won’t, i.e., who should win and who should lose, in a competitive bidding situation. Typically, bid rigging occurs when a purchaser solicits bids…
The Antitrust Attorney Blog
California Gets Even Tougher on Non-Competes
Author: Molly Donovan & Luis Blanquez California continues to lead the trend away from non-competes with a new law that packs yet another punch against employers’ use of these very common contractual restrictions on employee mobility. Non-competes—also called restrictive covenants—typically prohibit an employee from taking employment with a rival firm…
McDonald’s & Monopsony: The Seventh Circuit Vacates District Court’s Dismissal of a Per Se No-Poach Theory
Author: Molly Donovan In an opinion written by Judge Easterbrook, and a major win for per se no-poach claims, the Seventh Circuit has vacated a district court’s dismissal of a Sherman Act, Section 1 no-poach claim against McDonald’s. The case involves clauses that McDonald’s formerly included, as standard language, in…
Antitrust for Kids: Back to School with Tough New Rules—The Draft Merger Guidelines
Author: Molly Donovan You may remember Gordon—in many ways, he was dominant in the 5th grade, and though his behavior was questionable at times, he was very popular. I’m writing this story because Gordon is starting a new school year and has ascended to MIDDLE SCHOOL. Very cool, but very…
Lessons from the FTC’s Settlement of the Amgen/Horizon Merger Challenge
Authors: Steven Cernak and Luis Blanquez In case you missed it on the eve of a holiday weekend, the FTC and several states settled their challenge of Amgen’s acquisition of Horizon last Friday. The case might have seemed like an odd one to antitrust and merger practitioners looking only at…
How to Deal with U.S. Government Enforcers in Antitrust Investigations
Authors: Jon Cieslak & Molly Donovan Having recently defended an investigation brought by the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division—which was closed without prosecution of our client—we had the opportunity to reflect on ways that lawyers can navigate the high-stakes interactions with government enforcers who are investigating antitrust or other…
Still More “Suddenly Classic” Antitrust Cases from the New Merger Guidelines: General Dynamics, Marine Bancorporation and Procter & Gamble
Authors: Steven Cernak and Luis Blanquez As we explained in a prior post, the new draft merger Guidelines issued recently by the FTC and DOJ cite to several older court opinions that may be unfamiliar to antitrust practitioners who have been focused for decades exclusively on earlier versions of the…
More “Suddenly Classic” Antitrust Cases from the New Merger Guidelines: Philadelphia National Bank and Pabst
Authors: Steven Cernak and Luis Blanquez As we explained in a prior post, the new draft merger Guidelines issued recently by the FTC and DOJ cite to several older court opinions that might not be familiar to antitrust practitioners who have been focused for decades exclusively on earlier versions of…
Agencies Issue New Draft Merger Guidelines and Create More Classic Antitrust Cases
Authors: Steven Cernak and Luis Blanquez On July 19, 2023, the FTC and DOJ Antitrust Division issued the draft of their long-anticipated Merger Guidelines. Like prior iterations, these Guidelines are meant to explain to potential merging parties how the agencies will evaluate their proposed transactions. Earlier versions included input from…
The FTC Keeps Digging Its Own Grave: Microsoft-Activision Merger Deal Can Move Ahead Says Federal Judge in California
Authors: Steve Cernak and Luis Blanquez This week a federal judge in California denied a preliminary injunction to block Microsoft’s $68.7 billion merger with Activision Blizzard Inc. Both parties may now move ahead and close the deal––subject to further clearance in the UK and Canada––before the July 18 contractual deadline.…