Author: Jarod Bona Lawyers, judges, economists, law professors, policy-makers, business leaders, trade-association officials, students, juries, and the readers of this blog combined spend incredible resources—time, money, or both—analyzing whether certain actions or agreements are anticompetitive or violate the antitrust laws. While superficially surprising, upon deeper reflection it makes sense because…
The Antitrust Attorney Blog
How this Antitrust Lawyer Counsels Clients on Risk in the Business World
Author: Jarod Bona You may not realize this, but a lot of people don’t like lawyers. We even have our own genre of comedy that predates Shakespeare: lawyer jokes. Here is a common example: What do you call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start! When you…
Antitrust News: The Department of Justice Wants You to Have a Strong Antitrust Compliance Policy
Author: Jarod Bona You might hear from an antitrust attorney that it is important to have a strong antitrust compliance policy. And you may think to yourself, yes, I suppose it is. Then you go about your over-packed day, periodically seeing from other professionals that whatever their specialty is, you…
Major League Baseball, an Antitrust Exemption, and the Ninth Circuit
Author: Jarod Bona Baseball is special. How do we know that? Is it the fact that it has been declared America’s Pastime? Or is it the feelings we have when we smell the freshly cut grass on a sunny spring day? Or is it the acoustics of a wood bat…
Why is Antitrust Compliance Counseling and Training So Important?
Author: Jarod Bona If, like me, you have ever spoken to someone that faces criminal indictment by a federal grand jury following a Justice Department antitrust investigation, you know why antitrust compliance counseling and training is a big deal—you don’t need reasons; hearing the crackle of the voice is enough…
Antitrust Compliance Programs in the US and the European Union
Author: Luis Blanquez Luis Blanquez is a European Competition Attorney that works with Bona Law. WHAT IS AN ANTITRUST COMPLIANCE PROGRAM? An antitrust compliance program is an internal business policy designed by a company to educate directors and employees to avoid risks of anticompetitive conduct. Companies that conspire with their…
Blocked from Competing in Your Market? You are Not Alone
Author: Jarod Bona Business can be brutal. Let’s say you have this business. Maybe you started it recently, or maybe you’ve been around for some time. But, in any event, you offer a good product or service. Customers like you and you are making money. This is—for many—the American…
Class Action Settlements, Claims, Opt-Outs, and the In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation
Author: Jarod Bona Even if you aren’t an antitrust lawyer, you have certainly seen notices of class actions, perhaps with a solicitation from an attorney stating in legalese that you may be entitled to money or something to that effect. You probably ignored them—and for good reason—perhaps the amount you…
Legal Analytics for Antitrust Litigation: Sizing Up the Antitrust Landscape
Author: Rachel Bailey, Legal Data Expert, Lex Machina Data analytics is big business right now. Many types of businesses are using analytics to become more competitive and efficient. It’s no longer just “Moneyball” in sports, but styling analytics in retail, adaptive learning analytics in education and – you guessed it…
Antitrust News: The International Competition Network Standardizes Due Process Principles for Antitrust and Competition Enforcement Agencies Worldwide
Author: Luis Blanquez The U.S. Department of Justice recently published that the International Competition Network (“ICN”) has approved the Framework on Competition Agency Procedures (“CAP”), for antitrust enforcement agencies around the world to promote fundamental due process principles in competition law investigations and enforcement. This is an opt-in framework, based…