
The Antitrust Attorney Blog


An Antitrust Fight Between the Talent Agencies and the Writers About How Hollywood Does Business

Author: Jarod Bona As an antitrust lawyer, I find it interesting to see the inner workings of different types of markets—how people and companies buy and sell things. And the entertainment industry is one of the more fascinating ones. The entertainment industry includes an interesting mix of concentrated players at…


Certificate-of-Need Laws, Evil Trolls, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune

Author: Jarod Bona We do our best to describe antitrust and other legal issues as straightforwardly as possible here. We tend to speak directly and avoid the guarded language that you often see from lawyers elsewhere (a little secret: most big-firm attorneys are afraid of getting in trouble in one…


My Company Is Under Investigation: Do I Need Separate Counsel?

Author: Jon Cieslak When a law enforcement or regulatory agency—such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—investigates potentially illegal business conduct, it may not be targeting just the company under investigation. Oftentimes, authorities are also targeting the company’s employees who engaged in the illegal…


My Competitor-Supplier Just Decided to Stop Dealing with Me: Do the Federal Antitrust Laws Help Me?

Author: Luis Blanquez Good news––the answer is yes. The bad news, however, is that antitrust laws only help you in very limited scenarios. As a general rule, “Businesses are free to choose the parties with whom they deal, as well as the prices, terms, and conditions of that dealing” Pacific…


Both During and After COVID-19 Crisis, Antitrust Law Won’t Block Pro-Competitive Joint Ventures

Author: Steven Cernak On March 24, 2020, the FTC and DOJ Antitrust Division issued a joint statement regarding their approach to coordination among competitors during the current health crisis. The agencies announced a streamlining of the usual lengthy Advisory Opinion or Business Review Letter processes for potentially problematic joint efforts…


COVID-19 Exposes Evil of Anticompetitive State Certificate of Need Laws

Authors: Aaron Gott and Jarod Bona The United States is in lockdown to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 cases because our hospital system has even less capacity to handle a surge of cases than Italy—where overload has led physicians to have to make tough decisions about which patients deserve treatment…


Can a Manufacturer Stop Price Gouging by Its Dealers During a Crisis?

Author: Steven Cernak Like many crisis situations, the Coronavirus Pandemic has created concerns and even outcry about price gouging for certain products. If your company manufactures one of these products and your dealers and retailers have suddenly jacked up prices for them, what can you do? Manufacturers are often concerned…


Forgotten But Not Gone—Antitrust, Price Discrimination, and The Robinson-Patman Act in the 21st Century

Author: Steven Cernak When I first started practicing antitrust law in the “80’s, the Robinson-Patman Act was already an object of derision.¹ With Chicago School thinking riding high in academia and the courts and antitrust law’s focus shifting to effects on consumers, not rivals, RP cases seemed to be dwindling…